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Evaluative Course Series Introduction

Students are growing and learning in a complex world; making big decisions at a critical time. As they navigate complexity and hardship, students will need to maintain balance and a strong sense of self. Cultivating perseverance will help students to do so, directing their own paths to live the life they want to lead in the future.

Course Overview
Courses Overview

7hrs 30mins of professional learning
that can be broken down into bite-sized chunks as short as 15 mins

Learning Intentions

In these courses you’ll learn about the evaluation process, each step that is involved, and how to do it well. You’ll explore strategies and techniques to foster evaluative skills in your students.

NESA Accredited
Cultivating Perseverance
Unpack what comprises a persevering mindset. Identify & overcome barriers to having a persevering mindset.
3hrs of professional learning
NESA Accredited
Cultivating Perseverance
Sustaining Effort
Explore how to sustain effort. Build positive habits, develop resilience & maintain motivation.
1hr 30mins of professional learning
NESA Accredited
Cultivating Perseverance
Switching for Success
Explore how to switch for success. Identify, plan & learn from approaches to switching.
1hr 30mins of professional learning
NESA Accredited
Cultivating Perseverance
Stopping isn’t Quitting
Explore how to stop detrimental or unnecessary activities. Identify, plan & learn from approaches to stopping.
1hr 30mins of professional learning

Completing Cultivating Perseverance: Mindsets will contribute 3 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. 

Completing Cultivating Perseverance: Switching for Success will contribute 1 hour and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. 

 Completing Cultivating Perseverance: Stopping isn’t Quitting will contribute 1 hour and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. 

 Completing Cultivating Perseverance: Sustaining Effort will contribute 1 hour and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. 

Meet the Instructor

Meet The Instructor

Why perseverance is important

Perseverance is a core tenet of student wellbeing and is increasingly recognised as a critical skill for the future of work. Creatable has drawn on existing research about perseverance to underpin this course, and highlight the shared value of perseverance across education and industry settings. You’ll be able to download our Perseverance White Paper from inside the course.

How to measure capacity for perseverance in students

Before diving into cultivating perseverance, it is important to establish a baseline of where student abilities presently lie. Creatable’s rubric articulates each aspect of perseverance in detail, so that you can understand current strengths and limitations before applying the learnings from this course. You'll be able to download the Perseverance Rubric from inside the course.

"It brought back memories of learning! I revisited knowledge and critical thinking which sometimes gets lost in the practicalities of teaching."
Profile Photo of Amy Mudridge
Paul Edelstein
Maths Teacher
Killara High
"Testimonial goes here."
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Listen to Creatable Future with Rydr Tracy

Future Fit Technologies with Curious
In this episode, Rydr chats with Michelle Schuberg, Ceo of Curiious about the metaverse, how students are already using it, its classroom applications and why critical thinking is the most important skill to keep up with new and evolving technology.

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